Five Facts Of Continents With Home Tuition Classes


Africa is the second-largest continent in the world. The continent is bounded on four sides by water. The Mediterranean Sea is in the northeast of Africa, the sea is in the north of Africa Indian ocean is in the south of Africa, the Arabian Sea is in the east of Africa and the Atlantic Ocean is in the west. Africa comprises 56 countries. Similarly, the scope and nature of continents are vast. This blog let us understand the four facts of continents with home tuition classes.

Australia is the smallest continent in the world

Australia lies entirely in the southern hemisphere. Australia comprises Papua New Guinea. It lies in the southern hemisphere. You must know that Australia was discovered by Captain James Cook in the year 1770. World geography is very important and plays a crucial role for class 9 students. The Northeastern South Western and eastern part of Australia receives heavy rainfall. In-home tuition classes, you will understand that each continent has its own importance. Mount Kosciuszko is the highest peak in Australia. The market of Australia also produces raw materials with woolen textile powdered milk and cheese. You should know that Australia has the highest number of sheep in all over the world. One of the most important breeds that produce wool is Merino. The largest lake in Australia is Eyre. The Great Barrier Reef is the longest coral reef. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Tanzania. The important desert in Africa is Kalahari Sahara and November desert. You should know that the Sahara is the largest desert in the world. Victoria Falls and Zambezi falls are important waterfalls in Africa. The people of Africa speak Arabic mostly. The largest lake is LIC Victoria.

The largest importer of oil in the United States of America, learn in-home tuition classes

The United States of America is the third-largest country with the largest importer of oil. The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. It is divided into 50 states. The smallest state is Rhode Island. California being the most important Street is present in the United States of America. In-home tuition classes, Death Valley is the driest and hottest is present in the United States of America. The automobile capital of the world is Detroit which is present in the USA.

Private tuition near me acknowledge that Asia is the home of major religions all over the world

Out of the seven continents, Asia is the largest both in population and area wise it comprises 48 countries. The highest point of Africa is Mount Everest. The lowest point is the Dead Sea private tuition near me. The teacher also explains about the religious sect. Asia is the birthplace of many personalities related to Hinduism Jainism Christianity and Islam. The Aral Sea is the largest lake in Asia. Laos is the only landlocked country present here.

The largest archipelago is present in Indonesia

The most populated island in the world is Jawa. Jakarta is located in Indonesia. Job in the most populated island in the world. In-home tuition class you can ask your teacher about the different stamps and currency. Indonesia has the maximum number of Muslims in the world. Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent with the driest region.

Japan is frequently known for typhoons

Japan consists of a group of Islands. The currency of Japan is Yen. Nagoya is the Manchester of Japan. It is the world's leading producer of Steel car electronics and equipment. Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku are four major Islands of Japan. It is the leading producer of electronic cards ship steel and other machine tools. 

The second smallest continent after Australia is Europe. In-home tuition classes, you can freely ask your teacher to make you understand the climate of Europe. Europe is surrounded by the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Important mountains of Europe are the Balkans and the Alps. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam after major religions in Europe generally the climate is mild with humidity in the atmosphere. You must know that Scandinavia comprises three places. 
The above blog will definitely help to construct a mind map. These facts act as general knowledge and boost your confidence. It provides you deep knowledge and the ability to compare the continents according to different parameters. It is not easy to learn the facts by heart. You need a home tutor that can guide you on every point. Geography is a subject based on science. Hence, a proper concept is necessary e to get command in the subject you sit for any competitive examination, 10 marks are compulsory with GK questions. At that very time, it will not be possible for you to learn everything by heart. So during your academic years don't cheat with your studies. Be honest with your study timetable and teacher so that you can flourish better in your future.


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